Swifts Black 3 ...v... Swifts White 1 >>(ht 0-0)


Swifts Black: Tom Pamment; Adam Graham, Grant Cooper, Eric Van Waveren, Scott Parsonage (Marcelo Marquez 75m); Jake Watkin, Alberto Romero, Carlos Rodriguez, Big Chris (Luis Maldonado (45m); Mike Spencer, Leo Regalado.

Swifts White: Matt Aberhart; Andrew Taylor, Ged Parkinson, Jack McKenna, Richard Marquez; Tim Miller, Andy Birchenough, Andrew Jordan, Andrew Clothier; Neil Slater, Mark Knell.

Absent/Unavailable: Jon Allen, Blair Van Waveren, Jamie Baxter, Daniel Holmes, Pete Challis, Chris Bedggood, Duncan Lowry.

Match pics

Above Alberto Romero hugs the touchline...

tim Above...as does Tim Miller.

tom Above We got the net in to go with your hair, Tom!

Above Mike Spencer showed some excellent touches.

ged Above "Knock it that way Ged."

andrew Above Andrew Clothier drives a shot in on goal.

adam Above Adam Graham keeps his eyes on the ball.

mark Above Mark Knell holds it up under the watchful eye of the head coach.

alberto Above He must be fit if he can jump that high!

corner Above Tom Pamment rises to gather in a corner.

jake Above Fifteen-year-old Jake Watkin did a good job of mixing it with the big boys.

(Photos by: Dwayne Barlow)

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